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Application data versions

Many of the applications in the RE do not access the data directly, but instead have their own local data stores. This means that there is sometimes a delay in when the data accessed by the applications is updated and there may be differences in the data you can see from different sources.

This table shows the current data version that an RE application or data product is using and when this was last updated:

Application / data product100kGP data versionNHS-GMS data versionCOVID-19 data version 1
LabKeyv19Oct 2024v4Aug 2024-
The genomes folderv19Oct 2024v4Aug 2024-
Participant Explorerv19Jan 2025tbd-
Aggregated variant calls (100kGP/COVID-19v10 2Sep 2020-v4.2 2
Somatic aggregated variant callsv12 2Sep 2021--
IVA/OpenCGAv16Feb 2023-v5 3Jul 2024
CloudOS S3v18Apr 2024-v6Sep 2023
CloudOS Cohort browserv17 4-v5 4
CloudOS OMOPv16--

  1. Only available in CloudOS 

  2. Participants from later releases will not be part of these aggregates, however we do provide lists of consented individuals based on current releases in order for researchers to work with this data. 

  3. COVID-19 data in OpenCGA can only be accessed via the CloudOS Cohort browser. ISARIC, PHOSP and VITT cohorts are not included in OpenCGA. 89.6% of samples in CloudOS are in OpenCGA and at least 79.8% of samples in OpenCGA are in CloudOS with concordant vcf files. 

  4. Structured/Clinical data version. For variant data versions in CloudOS Cohort browser, see IVA/OpenCGA