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Genomics England Research EnvironmentΒΆ


Current data release:

In-person training session - 20th November

Join us for a full-day training session on using the RE in our offices in Canary Wharf.

Learn more

22nd August - GMS release 4

We have released the latest version of GMS data, release 4.

16th July 2024 - HPC documentation

Following a consultation with our researchers, we have improved the HPC documentation, including an introduction to HPCs and detailed guidelines on running jobs.

16th July 2024 - Package update

getSVCNVperGene has been upgraded from the version 0.94 to version 2.0. This new version maintains compatibility with 100kGP data release 15 and below, while now also supporting version 16 and above. Additionally, it introduces compatibility with NHS-GMS data releases.

17th June 2024 - SACT in Participant Explorer

You can now search by cancer drug treatments and view them in medical history in Particpant Explorer

13th June 2024 - Workflow update

Small Variant v3.0.0 is a port to Nextflow DSL2 and uses Nextflow version 23.10

3rd June 2024 - Help prioritise our roadmap

You can now access our roadmap for workflows and scripts, where you can upvote existing plans and add ideas of your own.

23rd May 2024 - Workflow update

Structural Variant v3.1.2 updates bcftools to biocontainers/bcftools:1.20--h8b25389_0

  • to use the latest update, edit your submission script as follows: structural_variant='/pgen_int_data_resources/workflows/rdp_structural_variant/v3.1.2'

30th April 2024 - Workflow update

Structural Variant v3.1.1 moves to data release 18 (main-programme_v18_2023-12-21), uses default singularity cache, and uses double helix modules for nextflow version 23.10 and singularity 4.1.1

15th April 2024 - Workflow update

Small Variant v2.0.6 moves to data release 18 (main-programme_v18_2023-12-21), uses scratch for intermediate files, uses default singularity cache, uses nextflow version 22.10.5, simplifies standard output (-ansi-log false), and produces nextflow pipeline reports.

15th April 2024 - Bug in rtds table

  • There is a bug in the NCRAS radiotherapy table, rtds for 100kGP releases 17 and 18. Approximately 8% of all records in this table are missing dates. This is due to a bug translating Sep in three-letter months to numbered dates.
  • This will be fixed for release 19, due later in 2024.

15th April 2024 - Participant Explorer update

The Participant Explorer has been updated with 100,000 Genomes data release 18