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How to run jobs on the HPC

The Genomics England HPC uses LSF (load sharing facility) from IBM to run your jobs. In order to run your job, you will need to:

We recommend creating scripts to submit your jobs. You can monitor the progress of your jobs as they run, and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Jobs will take time to run. You do not need to wait; you can navigate away from the terminal and even the Research Environment, and return later.

Some basic LSF commands

command description
bsub submits a job to the cluster
bqueues shows info on the cluster queues
bjobs shows info on the cluster jobs
bhosts shows info on the cluster hosts
bhist shows info on the finished cluster jobs
bacct shows statistics and info on finished cluster jobs
bkill removes a job from the cluster
lshosts shows static resource info
lsload shows dynamic resource info