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The HPC is changing

We will soon be switching to a new High Performance Cluster, called Double Helix. This will mean that some of the commands you use to connect to the HPC and call modules will change. We will inform you by email when you are switching over, allowing you to make the necessary changes to your scripts. Please check our HPC changeover notes for more details on what will change.

AggV2 Code Book - Functional annotation queries


We can use split-vep (available with bcftools version 1.10.2-foss-2018b) to query and parse the functional annotation from VEP.

bcftools version

Please use bcftools version 1.10.2 via: module load bio/BCFtools/1.10.2-GCC-8.3.0


Within each snippet shown below, most lines end with the '\' character. This is not part of the command but a shorthand notation meaning "keep reading the next line as part of a single command." We do this to split each snippet over multiple lines so it is easier to read.

The queries below work with the functional annotation data files present in:


You can view all of the available VEP annotations using the command below - all annotations can be extracted and/or filtered for.


module load bio/BCFtools/1.10.2-GCC-8.3.0

bcftools +split-vep -l gel_mainProgramme_aggV2_chr7_48864936_51531027_VEPannot.vcf.gz


1   Consequence
4   Gene
5   Feature_type
6   Feature
8   EXON
10  HGVSc

Extract variants above threshold for aggV2 derived allele frequencies

Question: "I want to find common variants in genetically inferred European samples".

Script: Use bcftools query with the -i flag to specify the allele frequency cut-off, and the -f flag to determine the output attributes and format.

Note: Use the functional annotation data in the VEP_99 directory to access aggV2 allele frequencies.

module load bio/BCFtools/1.10.2-GCC-8.3.0

bcftools query gel_mainProgramme_aggV2_chr1_1_506426_VEPannot.vcf.gz \
-i "AF_eur > 0.05" \
-f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\t%AF_eur\n' | head -5

Output: The first five lines are printed to screen.

chr1    10108   C   T   0.073
chr1    10109   A   T   0.083
chr1    10147   C   A   0.063
chr1    10150   C   T   0.067
chr1    10177   A   C   0.132

Extract variants for a gene of interest

Question: "I want to extract all variants in the gene IKZF1 and view some basic annotation".

Script: Use bcftools split-vep. This example will output variants annotated against all transcripts for the gene of interest - IKZF1 - using the -i flag. There will be one annotation per line (for each transcript - using the -d flag). The -f option formats the output with the attributes included. The > character writes the output to a tab-delimited file.


module load bio/BCFtools/1.10.2-GCC-8.3.0

bcftools +split-vep gel_mainProgramme_aggV2_chr7_48864936_51531027_VEPannot.vcf.gz \
-i 'SYMBOL="IKZF1"' -d \
-f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\t%SYMBOL\t%Feature\t%Consequence\t%Existing_variation\n' > IKZF1_variants.tsv

Output: The output is a tab-delimited file in long-format - where each annotation is on a separate line across all variants. The columns are in the same order as stated in the -f command above.

chr7    50319076        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000641948 non_coding_transcript_exon_variant      rs374267123
chr7    50319076        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000642219 synonymous_variant      rs374267123
chr7    50319076        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000645066 synonymous_variant      rs374267123
chr7    50319076        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000646110 synonymous_variant      rs374267123
chr7    50319076        G       C       IKZF1   ENST00000331340 missense_variant        rs374267123
chr7    50319076        G       C       IKZF1   ENST00000343574 missense_variant        rs374267123

* data have been randomised and subset

Extract variants for a gene of interest with a damaging prediction

Question: "I want to view the variants that that are missense or worse and rare in gnomAD in the gene IKZF1".

Script: Use bcftools split-vep. This example will output variants annotated against all transcripts for the gene of interest - IKZF1 - that are missense or worse (-s and -S flag) and rare in Europeans (use the -c flag for numeric conversion). There will be one annotation per line (for each transcript - using the -d flag). The -f option formats the output with the attributes included. The > character writes the output to a tab-delimited file.


module load bio/BCFtools/1.10.2-GCC-8.3.0

bcftools +split-vep gel_mainProgramme_aggV2_chr7_48864936_51531027_VEPannot.vcf.gz \
-i 'SYMBOL="IKZF1" & EUR_AF<0.05' -d \
-f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\t%SYMBOL\t%Feature\t%Consequence\t%Existing_variation\t%EUR_AF\n' \
-c SYMBOL,Feature,Consequence,EUR_AF:Float,Existing_variation \
-s worst:missense+ -S ../../additional_data/vep_severity_scale/VEP_severity_scale_2020.txt > IKZF1_rare_missense.tsv

Output: The output is a tab-delimited file in long-format - where each annotation is on a separate line across all variants. The columns are in the same order as stated in the -f command above.

chr7    50368156        C       T       IKZF1   ENST00000413698 missense_variant        rs558055360     0
chr7    50368201        A       G       IKZF1   ENST00000413698 missense_variant        rs117111762     0.002
chr7    50368251        A       G       IKZF1   ENST00000413698 missense_variant        rs573829014     0
chr7    50368281        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000413698 missense_variant        rs562525663     0
chr7    50368296        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000413698 missense_variant        rs544990441     0
chr7    50376578        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000331340 missense_variant        rs144637662&COSM6972304 0.001
chr7    50376689        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000331340 missense_variant        rs549930725     0.001
chr7    50400076        G       A       IKZF1   ENST00000331340 missense_variant        rs148169768     0
chr7    50400355        G       C       IKZF1   ENST00000331340 missense_variant        rs529231990     0

* data have been randomised and subset

Please note that when specifying severity constraints using the -s flag, you should currently specify the severity scale explicitly using the -S flag. This is due to a known bug in bcftools 1.10.x (outdated default severity scale), which will be resolved in bcftools 1.11. The severity scale can be found in the location below:


Additional annotation queries

Below are some additional queries using split-vep that extract useful annotation.

module load bio/BCFtools/1.10.2-GCC-8.3.0

#Example infile

#View all the types of VEP data annotated to file
bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -l

#If we want to view just all gnomAD annotations we can pipe to grep
bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -l | grep -i gnomADg

#Check CADD scores
bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -f '%CHROM:%POS-%REF/%ALT %CADD_RAW %CADD_PHRED\n' -d

bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -f '%CHROM:%POS-%REF/%ALT %LoF %LoF_filter \n' -d

#Check gnomAD custom annotations
bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -f '%CHROM:%POS-%REF/%ALT %gnomADg_AF %gnomADg_AF_eas %gnomADg_AF_sas\n' -d

#Check TOPMed custom annotations
bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -f '%CHROM:%POS-%REF/%ALT %topmedg %topmedg_AF topmedg_SVM \n' -d

#Check ClinVar custom annotations
bcftools +split-vep ${infile} -f '%CHROM:%POS-%REF/%ALT %ClinVar_CLNDN %ClinVar_CLNREVSTAT \n' -d