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COVID-19 clinical data

The clinical datasets made available in Genomics England CloudOS include:

  • Data collected at the point of recruitment ('Primary' data )
  • Longitudinal records of treatment provided by the NHS ('Secondary' data )
  • Non-genomic data curated by GEL.

Combined clinical data is available for both COVID-19 and 100kGP participants, including:

  • Severe COVID-19 cohort (admitted to ITU for COVID-19).
  • Mild COVID-19 cohort (not admitted to ITU for COVID-19).
  • 100kGP cohort (not admitted to ITU for COVID-19).

Data De-Identification

Not all variables/columns in the raw datasets received from NHSE, or other providers, are included in the release. In particular, some will be personal identifiable data (PID) and so are not present in the de-identified data within the Research Environment.

Mechanisms for access

There are two main ways to access the Clinical Data from within CloudOS:

This clinical data in the Data & Results section of GEL CloudOS includes the latest version of the clinical data available: 100K v17.0 and COVID-19 v6.0 clinical data as of date freeze on 21-08-2023. However, the Cohort Browser currently only includes an older version of 100kGP data, 100kGP v14.0 and COVID-19 v4.0. This asynchrony is the result of a delay in ingestion processes. In the near future, we will synchronise data refreshes between CloudOS (s3) and the Cohort Browser, to avoid such discrepancies.

Data Available

This section refers to the COVID-19 branch of data in GEL CloudOS (s3) as highlighted in blue in the diagram above. This is the COVID-19 (and 100k) data at release v6.0.

The v6.0 data release contains the following datasets:

Dataset name File Name in CloudOS/S3 Description Cohorts
GenOMICC Participants and Demographics genomicc_participants_and_demographics_covid_19.tsv Contains information on all COVID Severe participants up to data release severe
GenOMICC Mild Participants and Demographics genomicc_mild_participants_and_demographics_covid_19.tsv genomicc_mild_react_lc_participants_and_demographics_covid_19.tsv Contains information on all COVID Mild participants up to data release mild
GenOMICC Parents Participants and Demographics genomicc_parents_participants_and_demographics_covid_19.tsv Contains family information on COVID participants up to data release severe
GenOMICC Mild Symptoms genomicc_mild_symptoms_covid_19.tsv Contains information on COVID symptoms for Mild participants mild
ISARIC genomicc_international_severe_acute_respiratory_and_emerging_infection_consortium_covid_19.tsv Contains information on participants in the ISARIC study. There is no secondary data for these participants.
PHOSP genomicc_post_hospitalisation_covid_19.tsv Contains information on participants in the PHOSP study. There is no secondary data for these participants.
Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre intensive_care_national_audit_and_research_centre_covid_19.tsv Contains information about participants that got COVID-19 whilst in intensive care severe
NHS D GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research nhs_d_general_practice_extraction_service_gpes_data_for_pandemic_planning_and_research_covid_19.tsv Contains GP information for COVID-19 planning and research severe
NHS D GPES Data for Pandemic Planning and Research Reference nhs_d_general_practice_extraction_service_gpes_data_for_pandemic_planning_and_research_reference_covid_19.tsv Reference for GP information for COVID-19 planning and research severe
COVID 19 Hospitalisation in England Surveillance System phe_covid_19_hospitalisation_in_england_surveillance_system_covid_19.tsv Contains the demographic, risk factor, treatment and outcome for patients admitted to hospital with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis as recorded by NHSE severe
Second Generation Surveillance System (SGSS) is the National Laboratory Reporting System phe_second_generation_surveillance_system_sgss_is_the_national_laboratory_reporting_system_covid_19.tsv Contains the demographic and diagnostic information from laboratory test reports for patients tested for the suspected and confirmed causative agent for COVID-19 as recorded by NHSE severe
Viral Genomes gel_cog_alignment_covid_19.fasta
Datasets and FASTA files containing information on participants viral genomes severe

Also included in the COVID dataset are the Secondary datasets from NHS England, as in the 100kGP dataset.

Dataset name File Name in CloudOS/S3 Description Cohorts
NHS D Cancer Registry nhs_d_cancer_registry_covid_19.tsv Contains tumour level records for participants severe
NHS D Diagnostic Imaging Metadata nhs_d_diagnostic_imaging_linkage_covid_19.tsv Links participants to Diagnostic Imaging Data (does not contain actual images) severe
NHS D Diagnostic Imaging Linkage nhs_d_diagnostic_imaging_metadata_covid_19.tsv Contains historic diagnostic imaging records for participants (does not contain actual images) severe
NHS D Emergency Care Dataset nhs_d_emergency_care_dataset_covid_19.tsv Contains emergency care data to help understand A&E activity (replacing HES AE from April 2020) severe
NHS D Hospital Episodes Statistics Accident and Emergency nhs_d_hospital_episodes_statistics_accident_and_emergency_covid_19.tsv Contains historic records of A&E attendances for participants (replaced by ECDS from April 2020) severe
NHS D Hospital Episodes Statistics Admitted Patient Care nhs_d_hospital_episodes_statistics_admitted_patient_care_covid_19.tsv Contains historic records of admissions into secondary care for participants severe
NHS D Hospital Episodes Statistics Critical Care nhs_d_hospital_episodes_statistics_critical_care_covid_19.tsv Contains historic records of admissions into critical care for participants severe
NHS D Hospital Episodes Statistics Outpatient nhs_d_hospital_episodes_statistics_outpatient_covid_19.tsv Contains historic records of outpatient attendances for participants severe
NHS D Mental Health Services Datasets nhs_d_mental_health_services_dataset_**
where ** refers to any of the MHSDS tables. Those with curated prefix are ones made by GEL to compile key information from the datasets into logical groupings. The dataset flags table provides an overview of which tables a certain participant appears in.
Contains historic records of a participant's interaction with mental health services severe
Office of National Statistics Mortality office_of_national_statistics_mortality_covid_19.tsv Contains the causes of death records for participants according to the Office of National Statistics severe

Datasets may appear to be in CloudOS more than once, however they are not actually the same datasets. This is because datasets may appear in the COVID DSA and the RE1.0 DSA. Therefore, they will differ in participants and schemas slightly. These datasets will differ in name with the suffix that follows the file name with '_covid_19' for datasets in COVID-19 DSA and '_100k' following datasets in RE1.0 DSA. In future releases, NHSD and PHE data for Mild participants will be included.