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HPC troubleshooting

Before you start troubleshooting, make sure you have included a standard error and standard output for your jobs (-o <path_to/job.%J.out> -e <path_to/job.%J.err>). You will need this to identify the cause of the problem and to fix it.

My job is PENDING for a long time

I have set my job to run, but I am getting no output. When I run bjobs, I see that my job is PENDING for a very long time. 

 There is limited memory available on the cluster. When you request a job asking for a lot of memory, the cluster is waiting for that amount of memory to be available before it starts your job. Try to only request as much memory as your job will use next time you run your job. If you have run a similar job before, check the standard output for how much memory you used and request a rounded-up value.

You can check this by running bjobs -l with your job number. You will see something like:

Job requirements for reserving resources (mem) not satisfied

You can also run bqueues to see the availability on each queue.

bhosts will tell you how busy each node is.

How do I find out why my job has failed?

My job has failed and I want to know why? 

 Make sure you run your job using a standard error and standard output. Open the standard output and go to the end of the file to see the last thing that happened. This will include why your job failed.

You are not a member of project group

When you are trying to submit a job to the one of the queues using the Project code flag -P , LSF returns the following message:

ERROR: You are not a member of project group PROJECTNAME. Check with 'bugroup PROJECTNAME'
Request aborted by esub. Job not submitted. 

 As the message says, you are not a member of the AD groups that you trying to submit the job against. You need to find the correct project name. You can do this by checking the list or by running:

bugroup -w PROJECTNAME

LSF Error: Bad resource requirement syntax

When you are trying to submit a job, LSF returns the following message:

Bad resource requirement syntax. Job not submitted

 One or more of the resources you're requesting is not valid, perhaps you have typed your command incorrectly.

Use the lsinfo command to verify the resources you are requesting are valid. Use the bhosts and lshosts command to verify there are hosts with the resources you are requesting.

How do I find out how much memory my job has used?

I want to correctly estimate how much memory to request for my next job. To do this, I need to know how much memory a similar job used. How do I find this out? 

 Make sure you run your job using a standard error and standard output. Open the standard output and go to the end of the file to see the total amount of memory used.

My job has failed: TERM_RUNLIMIT

My job has failed. When I check the standard output, it says TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF run time limit. 

 You have reached the time limit of the queue you have selected. You need to select a longer-running queue for your job. If you're already using the long queue, you will need to specify the run-time limit.

My job has failed: TERM_MEMLIMIT

My job has failed. When I check the standard output, it says TERM_MEMLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF memory usage limit. 

 You have not requested sufficient memory for your job. You need to increase the memory allocation for your job. If you require more than 1 GB, you will also need to request additional CPUs.