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Complete end-to-end guides

The Genomics England RE offers huge possibilities for analysing and exploring genomic and phenotypic data. This documentation can guide you through it but there is a lot of information here, which can be a bit overwhelming when you first get started.

Here are a few common use-cases. Each links out to another page which will provide a rough guide to the tools in the RE you might want to use to complete your task and some further reading in the documentation to help you along.

For some there are examples of how you can complete these tasks using either no code tools or programmatic and command-line tools. Be aware that there is a limit to the scale of the analyses you can do with no code tools.

How to use these pages

On some of the the tutorial pages you can switch between categories including no code, pre-run analyses, existing tools and from scratch. Please select the version that matches your skills and the scale of the task you want to do.

Category Scale Skills needed Overview Audience
no code small basic IT skills Uses no code tools in the RE Clinicians and biologists without coding or command line skills
pre-run algorithms small basic IT skills uses data generated in-house Clinicians and biologists without coding or command line skills
existing tools large command line and limited coding uses pipelines generated in-house to carry out standardised analyses bioinformaticians/computational biologists doing standard analyses
from scratch large command line, coding and common bioinformatics tools illustrates the steps you might follow using common bioinformatics tools to carry out custom analyses bioinformaticians/computational biologists doing custom analyses

The instructions in each section include links to the relevant pages in the documentation. Links are tagged as:

  • Tutorials
  • Tools - descriptive
  • Data - descriptive
  • Pre-made workflows
  • Reference lists/tables

Get a tutorial on your task

If your task is not listed here and you'd like to see a tutorial on how to do it, please contact us via our Service desk portal and let us know what it is you want to do in the RE, stating that this is a "tutorial request".